Module mailman
In: /modules/mailman/manifests/init.pp


This module manages the main Mailman configuration. In addition, you will need other modules to provide :

  • The web server configuration needed for the web interface.
  • The mail transport agent configuration needed to receive and send emails.

You can use the default puppet ‘maillist’ type to create and delete lists once the instance is up and running.

  • `mailman` : Configure the main Mailman instance

Example Usage

    class { 'mailman':
        default_url_host    => '',
        default_email_host  => '',
        default_url_pattern => 'https://%s/mailman/',
        mailman_site_list   => 'mailman-list',
        mm_cfg_settings     => {
            'ALLOW_SITE_ADMIN_COOKIES' => 'Yes',
            'PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL' => "'https://%(hostname)s/pipermail/%(listname)s'",
            'MTA' => "'Postfix'",
            'POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS' => "'False'",
            'DEFAULT_SUBJECT_PREFIX' => "''",
            'DEFAULT_REPLY_GOES_TO_LIST' => '1',

Classes and Modules

Class mailman::mailman
