Module www
In: /modules/www/manifests/mediawiki.pp


Summary:Web data content module
Author:Matthias Saou <>
License:Apache License 2.0
Updated:November 2012

Sample Usage

See each definition‘s own documentation.



fusionpbx( $version => '2.0.9' )

Install FusionBPX data files.

Sample Usage :

    www::fusionpbx{ '/var/www/html/fusionpbx': version => '2.0.9' }

You need to make sure the parent directory exists, as it won‘t get created automatically.

mediawiki( $version => '1.18.0' )

Install MediaWiki data files.

Sample Usage :

    www::mediawiki { '/var/www/html/wiki/w': version => '1.18.0' }

You need to make sure the parent directory exists, as it won‘t get created automatically.

phpmyadmin( $variant => 'english', $version => '3.5.3' )

Install phpMyAdmin data files.

$variant can be ‘english’ (default) or ‘all-languages‘

Sample Usage :

    www::phpmyadmin { '/var/www/html/phpmyadmin': version => '3.5.3' }

You need to make sure the parent directory exists, as it won‘t get created automatically.
